Dear Parents and Chanichim,
We are so sorry to inform you that we have made the very difficult decision to cancel our 2022 Federal Camp Machane Ma Mitbashel. We had discussed many alternatives and contingency plans however decided going ahead would pose too much of a risk of contracting COVID to everyone attending.
We share in your disappointment as our leadership body was very much looking forward to spending this week with all of our chanichim and seeing many new and old faces after such a long time apart.
Our Gizbar (treasurer) will be in contact with you all soon regarding refunds, and whether you would like to make any donations to cover costs we are unable to get back. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any flights that have been purchased, however many airlines have COVID conditions that allow you to obtain flight credit. If you are unable to do this, please reach out to us and we can provide a supporting letter that explains the situation, which we have used in the past to obtain flight credit from most airlines. Additionally, please contact us if you are having trouble with this and we will be able to help you with the process.
We currently have not made any imminent alternative arrangements as we are unsure when COVID cases will go down again and when it will be safe to travel. Each state may be able to run an alternative camp or event pending numbers, safety and availability. Your respective state will be in contact with you soon to inform you of their plans.
While nothing is confirmed at this stage, please watch this space for updates regarding a federal camp. We are hoping to run a federal event in the Winter (June/July) holidays as a replacement for interstate winter camps and will let you know dates as soon as we can.
Thank you everyone for your patience with us as we’ve worked through everything. We know it has been very frustrating for everyone and we sincerely apologise for that. We hope we can see all of your smiling faces very soon.
Again, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you and Tel Chai,
Federal Camp Roshim
Bridgette – 0413 544 808
Guy – 0421 426 537
Federal Director of Betar
Hannah Rosenberg – 0451 197 533