Who are we?

Betar is a worldwide Zionist Jewish youth movement. Betar Australia has sniffim (branches) in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. These sniffim run activities and camps throughout the year, and hold larger federal events biannually.
In Betar, we create a fun atmosphere for our chanichim (participants) to engage with and learn about Zionism, Jewish culture, Betar’s ideology, personal growth and leadership. Betar Australia encourages an open environment for chanichim to express and connect with their Judaism, catering (as best we can) to all streams at our camps and functions. We encourage the growth of each individual’s Jewish identity through various peulot (activities) we run around Jewish Holidays and during our camps and seminars.
Our chanichim (participants) and madrichim (leaders) are also involved in various community events within their states and cities, with a focus on Jewish cultural events and hasbarah (Israel advocacy) activities.
What do we do?

The main events on Betar’s busy calendar are our beloved camps and seminars. Around Pesach, we run a Federal Senior Seminar for the years 10-12 to refresh their leadership, ideological and shnat understanding.
In the following winter holidays, a winter camp occurs which is a chance for each state to rekindle their passion for Betar. The winter camps have the grade three to year tens as participants with the year elevens and above acting as leaders. This is often the first opportunity for the year elevens to lead in a comfortable warm atmosphere typical of all Betar camps.In the following September holidays, two seminars for the senior leaders occur to refresh their enthusiasm for Betar and in most years we have a Hadracha (Leadership) seminar for the year tens occurring each state. The finale of the year is the junior summer camps occurring in each state and the federal senior camp which is followed by Kinnus, our AGM which our year elevens and twelves enthusiastically take part in. We run meetings as often as once a week when logistically viable as well as casual functions for all our chanichim throughout the year, such as laserforce, ice skating and sleepovers. Fundraisers are the primary source of income for Betar and a great opportunity for the parents to become involved with the movement. Feel free to contact us if you would like to participate in any of these events.
Lifecycle of a Betari

Grades 2-9: Chanichim (Participants)
During these years, our chanichim will engage in various activities that teach them about Betar’s core values, including leadership, teamwork, Judaism and Israel. These activities are designed in a way to promote personal growth while also educating our chanichim.

Grade 10: Hadracha (Leadership)
During Year 10, chanichim will undergo an intensive hadracha (leadership) course which will develop their abilities in planning and providing educational content and acting as role models.
This year is especially impactful on the personal growth of our chanichim as it teaches them a lot about confidence, teamwork and how to be a leader.

Grade 11-12: Madatzim (Junior Leader)
During Year 11 & 12, after completing the hadracha course, chanichim will participate in the running of activities at activities, functions and camps throughout the year. This will enable them to gain practical experience with the leadership skills they’ve previously learned.

Grade ‘13’: Shnat (Gap Year) or Tochnit Chinuch veHadracha Mitkademet (Advanced Leadership and Educational Course – Mitkadmim Program)
After Year 12, the majority of Betarim go on Shnat, a year-long program run by Betar Olami (World Betar) in Israel. For more information about shnat, see here. Betarim can also undertake the Mitkadmim Program, run in Australia, which will educate the program participants in advanced leadership skills and deepen their understanding of Betar’s ideology.

Bogrim (Senior Leadership):
Upon completion of Shnat or the Mitkadmim Program, participants will become Bogrim (Graduates/Senior Leaders) and will have the necessary skills and knowledge to run the movement and train the next generation of leaders within Betar.

Ex Bogrim
Following their time at Betar Australia, our participants enter the world more trained and ready to make a difference. Ex-Betarim often go on to take prominent positions in the Jewish community, inspired and capable after their time at Betar.
We encourage our members to join community initiatives and continue to practice the skills they developed and continue to make the world a better place. Ex-Betarim join a large community of members, including Community Leaders, Members of Knesset (The Parliament of Israel) and Prime Ministers of Israel.